
Promoting financing via private equity

May 23th 2024

The Algerian Investment Promotion Agency organized, on Thursday May 23rd, 2024, in partnership with the Organization and Supervision of Stock Exchange Operations (COSOB), an Information Day on the “Financing promotion via private equity”.

The purpose of this meeting was to present private equity as an alternative financing mechanism for bank loans and to promote its development in Algeria, given the number and importance of investment projects registered at the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency.

In his opening speech for the Information Day, the Director General of the Agency, Mr. REKKACHE, stressed the importance of financing in the success of any investment promotion policy, as facilitating access to financing was a top priority for the public authorities.

In this context, he pointed out that this Information Day will allow to inform the officials of the private equity companies about the potential demands for their services, through providing them with data related to the holders of micro and medium-sized projects by the Algerian investment promotion agency’s services.

For his part, the President of the COSOB, Mr.BOUZENADA, stressed the efficiency of these alternative financing means, in particular financing via private equity, to offer the necessary financing to companies and projects that may face difficulties in obtaining financing via traditional channels such as bank financing.

This information day was attended by:

  • The Director General of the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency, Mr. Omar REKKACHE,
  • The President of the Organization and Supervision of Stock Exchange Operations, Mr. Youcef BOUZENADA,
  • The President of the Algerian Economic Renewal Council, Mr. Kamel MOULA,
  • The President of the Confederation of Algerian industrialists and Producers, Mr. Abdelouhab ZIANI,
  • The Director General of the National Agency for Entrepreneurship Support and Development, Mr. Bilal ACHACHA,
  • General managers of private equity companies,
  • Managers of public and private bodies and institutions, as well as experts and university professors.