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The Algerian Agency for Investment Promotion




The agriculture sector in Algeria is a key sector and constitutes a major pillar of the national economy due to its contribution to employment and the national GDP

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Industry and Pharmaceutical Production

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The national industrial sector has significant potential for growth. The government prioritizes the development of the national industry


New and Renewable Energies

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Through its renewable energy program, Algeria aims to position itself as a major player in electricity production from photovoltaic and wind energy



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Tourism is no longer a choice but an imperative in the current situation. It represents an alternative resource to hydrocarbons as an exhaustible resource


Information and Communication Technology

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The postal and telecommunications sector is one of the most dynamic sectors in the Algerian economy. It is a particularly promising sector, experiencing rapid growth


Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector

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The Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector in Algeria offers various investment opportunities, both in maritime fishing and in the fishing industry


Call for applications

Call for applications
for higher positions

The Algerian Investment Promotion Agency (AAPI) is a public administrative establishment endowed with legal personality and financial autonomy, placed under the tutelage of the Prime Minister, with the mandate to:

  • Position Algeria as an attractive investment destination ;
  • Communicate about investment opportunities, particularly in productive sectors, to attract as many investors as possible ;
  • Assist investors in administrative procedures for the implementation of their investment projects, including granting advantages ;
  • Manage the granting of economic lands intended for the realization of investment projects ;
  • Monitor the implementation of investment projects and the execution of commitments made by the operators ;
  • Advocate for the creation of a general climate conducive to investments.


June 26th 2024

Announcement for Project holders in the sub-contracting activity related to the automotive industry

In anticipation of the allocation of a group of real assets, ranging from 4800 m² to 11 800 m², for the region of Tefraoui in Oran, to complete projects in the field of sub-contracting for the automotive industry …

June 10th 2024

The granting of Economic lands for investment projects

The Algerian Investment Promotion Agency informs all project holders and investors who have received provisional decisions for granting economic lands , belonging to the State’s private domains and dedicated to the implementation of investment …

Ocober 21th 2024

Announcement Regarding the Conversion of a Real estate Concession to Cession

In accordance with the provisions of Law 23-17 of November 15th, 2023, which defines the conditions and modalities for granting economic land falling under the State private domain intended for investment projects, and particularly Article 17, which stipulates the possibility of converting a concession into cession, the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency informs project holders, interested by this procedure, that it has begun processing related requests.

As stated in Article 17, hereinabove mentioned, the concession can be converted into cession by the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency at the request of the concession holder …

June 26th 2024

Announcement for Project holders in the sub-contracting activity related to the automotive industry

In anticipation of the allocation of a group of real assets, ranging from 4800 m² to 11 800 m², for the region of Tefraoui in Oran, to complete projects in the field of sub-contracting for the automotive industry …

June 10th 2024

The granting of Economic lands for investment projects

The Algerian Investment Promotion Agency informs all project holders and investors who have received provisional decisions for granting economic lands , belonging to the State’s private domains and dedicated to the implementation of investment …


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About Us

The Algerian Agency for Investment Promotion

Is a public administrative establishment, endowed with legal personality and financial autonomy. Placed under the authority of the Prime Minister, it is responsible for supporting and assisting both domestic and foreign investors in the implementation of their investment projects. The Agency serves as the sole point of contact for investors through its One-Stop Shops, which are tasked with providing support in completing all the necessary procedures for realizing investment projects.

Investor's Briefcase

Documents and forms for incorporation files.

Business Advice

Assistance to entrepreneurs in business creation.

High National Commission for Appeals related to Investment

 Practical Guide for Investors in Algeria

Request to the attention of project owners

As part of the establishment of a benchmark of priority activity segments for the national economy, in accordance with the objectives set by the investment law, and in order to provide a better response to the concerns of economic operators as well as project owners when displaying land availability on the investor’s digital platform, especially, the allocation of activity segments foreach displayed plot, AAPI invites you to express your investment intentions by completing the form.

AAPI Statistics

From November 01, 2022 to August 31, 2024

Registered Projects


Amounts in Billion of DZD


Projected Jobs


Foncier économique

Cinq (05) décrets exécutifs, s’inscrivant dans le cadre de la promulgation des textes d’application de la loi n 23-17 du 15 novembre 2023 fixant les conditions et les modalités d’octroi du foncier économique relevant du domaine privé de l’Etat destiné à la réalisation de projets d’investissement, ont été publiés au journal officiel n° 85.

Les conditions et les modalités d’octroi du foncier économique relevant du domaine privé de l’Etat destiné à la réalisation de projets d’investissement

La consistance du foncier économique relevant du domaine privé de l’Etat destiné à la réalisation de projets d’investissement susceptible de concession

Les conditions et les modalités de concession convertible en cession du foncier économique relevant du domaine privé de l’Etat destiné à la réalisation de projets d’investissement

Création, organisation et fonctionnement de l’Agence nationale du foncier industriel

Création, organisation et fonctionnement de l’Agence nationale du foncier touristique

Création, organisation et fonctionnement de l’Agence nationale du foncier urbain

Incentive Regimes

Three benefit schemes are planned

Investment projects may benefit from tax exemptions and reductions depending on the location and the impact of the projects on economic and social development.


Investments can benefit from different incentive regimes based on the sectors of activity. 


Investments in specific localities qualify for the “zones regime”

Structuring Investments

Investments with significant potential for wealth and job creation, enhancing territory attractiveness, and …

Ils nous font confiance

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