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Investment forum in Algeria

June 25th 2024

The Algerian Investment Promotion Agency, in partnership with the African Export-Import Bank “Afreximbank”, has organized, today June 25th 2024, an investment forum in Algeria, entitled” Trade and Investment Opportunities in Algeria: Navigating the New Business Landscape under the AfCFTA”, within the framework of the fifty-fifth (55th) edition of Algeria international fair (FIA2024).

The opening of the forum was under the supervision of Mr. Omar REKKACHE, Director General of the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency, Mr. Hussein ZAWI, Director General of the Algerian Chamber of Commerce and industry (CACI), representing the Minister of Trade and Export Promotion, and Mr. Ayman ELZOGHBI, Acting Director – Trade, Investment & Corporate Finance at African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank).

This forum falls within the framework of promoting investment opportunities in Algeria for the benefit of the African operators, where it witnessed the presence of Algerian and foreign businessmen from the African continent, as well as officials of economic institutions, financial experts and economists.

The forum also provided an opportunity to exchange, communicate and form strategic partnerships, as well as address the main challenges facing investors in Africa, such as market access, financing, and risk management, through workshops supervised by the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency and the African Export-Import bank.

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The President of the Republic’s visit to the Agency’s pavilion – FIA2024

June 24th 2024

Photos of the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid TEBBOUNE passing by the pavilion of the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency at the Algiers International Fair (FIA2024).

Where he listened to a presentation by the Director General of the agency, Mr. Omar REKKACHE, about the agency’s activities and the most important investment projects launched at the completion stage under the new law.

Following the presentation, the President provided guidance on supporting productive investment and state priorities in this regard.

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The AIPA receives his Excellency the Ambassador of Italia

June 20th 2024

The Director General of the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency, Mr. Omar REKKACHE, received, on Thursday June 20th 2024, the Ambassador of the Italian Republic Mr. Alberto CUTILLO.

During the meeting, investment opportunities in Algeria were reviewed, as well as the Italian companies’ intentions to invest in Algeria, recently registered at the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency’s level.

The meeting was also an opportunity to discuss ways and mechanisms to revitalize cooperation with the National Agency for Inward Investment and Economic Development in Italy “Invitalia” through revitalizing the Understanding Memorandum signed in 2022, and notably the establishment of the joint investment cooperation committee between the two entities, as well as holding the first meeting to prepare a joint work program to exchange experiences in the field of investment promotion.

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The AIPA receives his Excellency the Ambassador of Egypt

June 11th 2024

The Director General of the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency, Mr. Omar REKKACHE, received, on Tuesday June 11th 2024, the Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Mr. Mokhtar Gamil Tawfik WARIDA.

The meeting discussed ways to implement the recommendations of the Algerian-Egyptian Joint Higher Committee held in Algeria in June 2022 related to investment.
The parties discussed the mechanisms for revitalizing the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the agency and its Egyptian counterpart represented by the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI), especially those related to the establishment of a technical committee in charge of investment and the exchange of expertise and experiences in various fields, mainly those related to digital services provided to investors.

The two parties agreed as well to study the possibility of organizing an Algerian – Egyptian businessmen Forum in the next few months.

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The Director General receives the CEO of CPECC

June 4th 2024

The Director General of the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency AAPI, Mr. Omar REKKACHE, has received today, June 4th, 2024, Mr. Chen XIANGDONG, Chief Executive Manager of China Power Engineering Consulting Group International Engineering (CPECC) a leader in the field of renewable energies and number one worldwide in related studies field.

The meeting was an opportunity to discuss the intention of the Group (CPECC) to invest in Algeria in green hydrogen production, as well as seawater desalination fields.

The meeting falls within the framework of the Agency’s accompaniment of foreign and local investors, who intend to launch projects that benefit the national economy.


Promoting financing via private equity

May 23th 2024

The Algerian Investment Promotion Agency organized, on Thursday May 23rd, 2024, in partnership with the Organization and Supervision of Stock Exchange Operations (COSOB), an Information Day on the “Financing promotion via private equity”.

The purpose of this meeting was to present private equity as an alternative financing mechanism for bank loans and to promote its development in Algeria, given the number and importance of investment projects registered at the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency.

In his opening speech for the Information Day, the Director General of the Agency, Mr. REKKACHE, stressed the importance of financing in the success of any investment promotion policy, as facilitating access to financing was a top priority for the public authorities.

In this context, he pointed out that this Information Day will allow to inform the officials of the private equity companies about the potential demands for their services, through providing them with data related to the holders of micro and medium-sized projects by the Algerian investment promotion agency’s services.

For his part, the President of the COSOB, Mr.BOUZENADA, stressed the efficiency of these alternative financing means, in particular financing via private equity, to offer the necessary financing to companies and projects that may face difficulties in obtaining financing via traditional channels such as bank financing.

This information day was attended by:

  • The Director General of the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency, Mr. Omar REKKACHE,
  • The President of the Organization and Supervision of Stock Exchange Operations, Mr. Youcef BOUZENADA,
  • The President of the Algerian Economic Renewal Council, Mr. Kamel MOULA,
  • The President of the Confederation of Algerian industrialists and Producers, Mr. Abdelouhab ZIANI,
  • The Director General of the National Agency for Entrepreneurship Support and Development, Mr. Bilal ACHACHA,
  • General managers of private equity companies,
  • Managers of public and private bodies and institutions, as well as experts and university professors.
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Forum on Foreign Direct Investments in Algeria

May 16th 2024

The Algerian Investment Promotion Agency, in partnership with the Delegation of the European Union to Algeria , organized on Thursday May 16th 2024, at the National Housing Bank, a forum on Foreign Direct Investments in Algeria under the title “Exploring New Investments and Nearshoring Opportunities in Algeria”

This forum, which falls within the framework of the project ” EU – Algeria partnership for sustainable investment”, was an opportunity for exchange between various actors, from the public and private sectors, on the business and investment climate in Algeria, the role of Foreign Direct Investments, including European ones, in economic development and diversification as well as opportunities for European-Algerian cooperation in the field of investment.

In this context, the participants discussed, in particular, the situation of Algeria in the new international context with regard to Foreign Direct Investments and the opportunities for shortening European supply chains, which could benefit the Algerian economy, as well as the prospects for Algerian-European Economic Integration and expansion towards the African continent.

The opening of this forum was supervised by the Minister of Industry and Pharmaceutical Production, commissioned by the Prime Minister, and attended by:

  • The President of the National Economic, Social and Environmental Council,
  • Mrs. Rabia KHARFI,
  • The Head of Cabinet of European Commission Vice-President, Mr. Dombrovskis, responsible for trade and investment, Mr Michael HAGER,
  • The Ambassador of the European Union to Algeria, Mr. Thomas ECKERT,
  • The Director General of Customs, Major General Abdelhafid Bakhouche,
  • The Director General of the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency, Mr. Omar REKKACHE,
  • The President of the Algerian Economic Renewal Council, Mr. Kamal Moula,
  • General managers and State executives,
  • Experts and university professors,
  • Economic operators and managers of public and private institutions.
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The AIPA receives FOGECA’s president

May 14th 2024

The Director General of the Agency, Mr. Omar REKKACHE, received on Tuesday May 14th 2024, the President of The Forum of Operators to Guarantee Economic Emergence in Africa (FOGECA) Mr. Amadou DIAGNE, who visited Algeria in preparation for the Africa-Portugal Partnership Forum, scheduled to be held on June 13th 2024 in Porto, Portugal, where he handed over an official invitation to the Agency to participate in the activities of this forum.

This meeting was an opportunity to discuss ways of embodying partnerships between local and foreign operators from Africa.

Mr. DIAGNE also paid a visit to the one-stop shop for Major Projects and Foreign Investments, during which he exchanged talks with representatives of the departments and some investors whose presence coincided with the visit.


Ceremony of distribution of the second batch of decisions
within the framework of the first operation of granting economic land
intended for Investment projects

This event has been attended by ladies and gentlemen:

– The Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister, representing the Prime Minister;
– The Minister of Industry and Pharmaceutical Production;
– The Minister of Housing, Urban Planning and the City;
– The Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts;
– The Minister of Post and Telecommunications;
– The Walis of: Béjaïa, Tizi Ouzou, Djelfa, Médéa, Bordj Bou Arreridj and Tipaza;
– The President of the Algerian Economic Renewal Council;
– The General Directors and Heads of Public and Private Economic Groups;

This event is a continuation of the first ceremony organized by the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency on March 26, 2024 during which 97 decisions pertaining to 17 wilayas were distributed. This second event concerns the distribution of 73 decisions pertaining to 11 other wilayas, to which will be added 26 decisions that were being examined by the Committee of Experts installed at the level of the Agency. Consequently, the total number of granted lands since the start of the procedure has reached 196 for a total estimated investment amount reaching around 278 billion Algerian Dinars, and a commitment to create more than 27,200 direct permanent jobs. In addition, 39 other assets applications are currently being examined by the Committee of Experts, the results will be deliberated, upon their adjudication, on the Investor’s Digital Platform directly via the respective accounts of the applicants.

In his opening speech, Mr. Omar Rekkache, the General Director of the Agency, has indicated that the objective behind the organization of this event, is to convey a message to all economic actors within the investment ecosystem announcing the real and effective launch of the process while stressing that this operation is not temporary or occasional but will continue in an automated manner via the Investor’s Digital Platform.

He also mentioned that the Agency intends to display new assets starting from next week totaling an area that exceeds 300 hectares, where 11 wilayas will be involved for the first time (namely, Laghouat, Skikda, Médéa, Ouargla, Bordj Bou Arreridj, Ain Defla, In Salah, Ghardaïa, Tissemsilt and El Tarf). In addition, the land display shall be done in real time in the future. Indeed, each land that will be added to the Agency’s portfolio will be displayed on the Platform without awaiting any further for scheduling a specific calendar as is currently the case.

The General Director has also recalled the measures taken by the Agency, in particular the adoption of a consultative approach through the launch of a survey in order to adapt the land offer to the investors’ requests especially in terms of activities they wish to implement or regions in which they prefer to invest, as well as the areas suitable for their projects.

The General Director has also seized this opportunity to present the results of the investments’ registration at the Agency’s One-Stop Shops since its launch in November 2022 until the end of March 2024, where 6,600 investment projects were registered, with a total declared amount of around 3200 billion Algerian Dinars, and the commitment to create more than 157,000 permanent jobs. A good part of these projects has already entered into the implementation phase and started benefiting from the fiscal and parafiscal advantages granted by the State. The Agency will accompany the projects that have not yet entered into the implementation phase in order to accelerate their completion, particularly the structuring projects that are of crucial importance for the national economy in terms of creation of wealth, sustainable jobs and dynamism in many regions of the country. It is worth mentioning that 118 projects involving foreigners (74 in partnership and 44 foreign direct investments) are among these projects and for which the Agency will ensure the aftercare through the provision of the necessary guidance, support, accompaniment and all the necessary conditions, including economic lands.