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The 1st Edition of the National Meeting of One-Stop Shops’ Directors

December 14th 2024

The Algerian Investment Promotion Agency organized, on Saturday, December 14th, 2024, the First Edition of the National Meeting of One-Stop Shops’ Directors from all the Wilayas of the country. The event was held under the theme: “For Greater Efficiency in Serving Investment and Investors” at the headquarters of the National Housing Bank in Algiers.

The meeting, inaugurated by the Director General, Mr. Omar RAKKACHE, was attended by the Representative of the Prime Minister and Chairman of the Agency’s Board, Mr. Youcef ATIK, along with the Director General of Customs, Major General Abdelhafid BAKHOUCHE, the Director General of Taxes, Ms. Amel ABDELATIF, the Director General of the National Domains, Mr. Abdelrahman KHIDI, representatives of ministerial departments, heads of professional associations, public corporate groups, as well as Algerian and international experts.

In his opening speech, the Director General emphasized that this meeting “comes as part of ongoing efforts to enhance the Agency’s competence, which has made significant strides in improving its services and performance. This meeting will constitute the launch of a permanent tradition of consultation, performance evaluation, accountability, and discussing ways to improve services provided to project holders.”

The Director General reaffirmed that this meeting “represents an important step in our journey towards contributing to the development of the investment system in Algeria and implementing the profound reforms made by the President of the Republic, aimed at making Algeria a distinguished destination for both national and foreign investments.”

In this regard, the Director General stated that “the upcoming phase requires greater mobilization and intensified efforts to facilitate the act of investing and attract new investments that effectively contribute to achieving the ambitious goal of implementing 20,000 investment projects on the ground in the medium term.”

The program of the meeting included the presentations of: Ms. Khaoula MOSTEFAI, representing the Agency, on the current state and aspirations of the One-Stop Shops, Mr. Kamal KHEFFACHE, a member of the High National Commission for Investment Appeals, on the Commission’s role, the International Expert Salim SAIFI, on best practices for regional investment promotion and the International Expert Myriam SAFR, presenting a comparative study on one-stop shops.

The event also provided an opportunity to honor:

  • Mr. Khaled BOUGUERRA, former Director General of the Investment Promotion, Support, and Follow-Up Agency.
  • Mr. Abdelmadjid BAGHDADLI, former Director General of the National Investment Development Agency.
  • Several other One-Stop Shops Directors and central executives.

On this occasion, the Director General announced the launch of the annual “Excellence Award: Best One-Stop Shop” as a new step towards enhancing a spirit of competition and innovation. This award aims to encourage excellence and competition among one-stop shops across various Wilayas. The award will honor the one-stop shop that demonstrates outstanding performance in serving investors, accelerating procedures, and innovating solutions to challenges. This annual tradition will promote fair competition and inspire all to deliver their best efforts in advancing the national economy.

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